Imagizine (aumega) 2015 text oriented workshop

Imagizine (aumega) 2015 text oriented workshop

Give the unlocking key (nothing is default). Then click the tick button.

Click the browse button and select a folder to save the components of the project.

If you want to set a default filename click the default name button and give a filename with extension. A window titled main editor is opened.

There is an important factor that does not open the main editor in a series of loading new windows of editor pads. Because the main editor is a support base editor and it may affect the coding of web page programs.
There are two tag bars situated below the editor. It carries a selection tooling. i.e.  First you should select a word or line of text and then click on a text on the tag bar. The tag bar contains formatting and scripting options.
You can make java script or CSS files with Style sheet pads from the tag bar (pencil and palette button) or from the access menu. To access the window go to Access->CSS pad. A window titled ‘Diff Script Pad’ appears with text ‘make your style sheets here…’. You can take more windows by clicking the N button. After the selection of this button you can see another window titled ‘stype sheet pad: 1’ and go on.
QAP: go to access-> Quick Access Panel or from the toolbar. This window contains 4 tabs. Options, element list, prompt and the tab containing the project name. The option tab contains 6 Boolean options and 6 buttons. The checks provide to make temporary settings. The 6 buttons and its use are…
Close tag-give a first version dialog to close the elements, page settings-give a dialog to set the default folder and project options, (component folder), page bgsounds-give access to insert the background sound for the web page, key maker- to alter the unlock key for the startup.
Media and image wizards are used to insert images visually by resizing it.
Element list tab contains classified list of HTML elements. Prompt is allowed to perform a task on the software in the exception times. You can insert the commands in the commands menu. Go to commands menu choose prompt and select a sentence from the box then click add button.
To act as a simple note editor: go to QAP and click the full screen check and click the maximize button of the editor. To come back to the original position type the following keyword on the main editor, p>load-elem and from the QAP deselect the full screen check.
Add menu contains 4 commands.
H script- hidden script. This is testing tool. It is used to test another script in a hidden way. You can also save the H scripted web page by clicking file-> export original after clicking the render button. To add hidden script….
Create a h script(*.eps).
<input type=text name=t1>
<input type=button value=view onclick=dis()>
Then go to tools menu and select make script. Give a name without extension. This file is saved to the component folder. Then clear the editor or close the editor and take a new window of editor. And type
Function dis()

Then go to file and save and go to add h script. Select the script from the component folder and open. Go to file and click render original and then click export original. Input a name and click ok. Open the default folder and you can see a file with the imputed name with number 1. Open it. Do you see any changes in the document? If yes then this process is known as IDAH scripting.
Script is the second command it helps to pin text file to the current document.
Comment is the third command, it add comments to the webpage.
Path is to add the given path. This helps to add the path of any file or folder. Click path and select file or folder option and select the wanted file or folder. If the option is file the prompt ask to save the path file into the default directory. Name the original filename with extension and click ok.
Table wizard:

 This is a wizard to make tables by inputting values in a step by step order. To do this select access menu and table wizard or type ‘p.twiz’ command on the editor. The wizard appears. Click the individual inputting check box. And click next button.
Fill the basic settings. Click the next button.  In the data management section input the rows and columns , you can see the no. of inputting in the left bottom corner (ex. Rows 2 cols 1)
Then click the start button. Give a suitable caption. Cell settings appear. This is the first table data cell. Input suitably. And click next. Enter the table data using the input text window and click the blue colored button. You will return back to the cell settings. Here is the next table data cell. Input and click the next button and enter text. Assign header and footer if you want and the final decision. If you want to modify use modify the table and else click the modeling completed and click the finish button and enter key.
